Hound Dog Fu Activity 2020
This was a short film by Ashaki Boelter about a possessed and stuffed dog holding a man hostage in his home until he decides
to fight back. It was filmed during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020 through a cell phone.
Dr. Shock takes on a tough mutt. Fight of the century! Theme song, written and sang by Boelter. Oh, we have to admit that
there are commercials. Sorry, but all from the genius mind of Boelter.
Footage of a news report about a dinosaur that showed up in Los Angeles, a movie scripted and edited by Shakalot High E! By
Ashaki Boelter
Claymation at its finest... Shakalot High E's attempt at doing a movie with playdough. Not bad eh'? Boelter is a pro wrestling
fan, so here it goes.